SET 13 Anomalies
The Anomaly
Anomaly appears in stages 4-6 and can enhance your champions.
Anomaly can be re-rolled for 1 gold.
You can place champions on specific hexes to apply effects.
- Arcana OverwhelmingMagic Damage
Gain Ability Power equal to 30% of Magic Resist. Gain 80 Magic Resist.
- Attack ExpertAttack Damage
This champion gains 55% more Attack Damage from all sources.
- Avalanche of ArmorAttack Damage
Gain Attack Damage equal to 30% of Armor. Gain 70 Armor.
- Avarice IncarnateDamage Amp
Gain 5 gold. Gain 15% Damage Amp and 1% more per 2 gold you have (up to 40%).
- Berserker RagePower
Gain 25 Ability Power & 25% Attack Damage. Triple it when below 70% Health.
- BullyDamage Amp
Gain 12% Damage Amp, increased to 36% against units with a lower star level.
- BulwarkTank
Gain 40 Armor & 40 Magic Resist. Triple it when above 50% health.
- Calling CardUtility
Gain an emblem that matches a non-unique trait from this champion.
- Center of the UniversePower
Gain 6 stars that orbit this champion. Each star deals 85 magic damage and the orbit expands to hit the champion's current target.
- Comeback StoryDamage Amp
Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health you have lost this game.
- Cull The WeakPower
Gain up to 100% Critical Strike Chance based on target's missing Health. Every 3 seconds, target the lowest percent Health enemy in range.
- Deep RootsTank
Gain 700 Health, 25 Armor, and 25 Magic Resist. They cannot move or be stunned, and pull their target into range.
- Defense ExpertTank
This champion gains 75% more Armor and Magic Resist from all sources.
- Diving InPower
On first cast, leap to enemies and stun in a 2-hex radius for 1.5 seconds and gain 25% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp.
- DragonsoulPower
This champion's first attack against a new target fires a Dragonsoul blast, dealing 20% max Health true damage.
- Dramatic EntranceUtility
Combat start: Leap off the battlefield. After 6 seconds, arrive with 55% increased max Health and
Stun all enemies for 2 seconds. - Dual WieldingUtility
Gain 2 completed items that fit this champion's role.
- Eagle EyeAttack Damage
Gain +1 Range. Every 2 seconds this champion doesn't move, gain 6% Attack Damage.
- Energy AbsorptionMagic Damage
Gain 30 Ability Power. Each time an ally dies, gain 8% of their Ability Power.
- FireballPower
For every 70 Mana spent, throw a 2-hex fireball that deals 6% max Health true damage and
Burns for 5 seconds. - Force of FriendshipDamage Amp
Gain 1% Damage Amp for each star level on your board. Three-star champions grant 8% Damage Amp instead.
- FortifiedTank
Gain 12% max Health. Every 4 seconds, gain another 12% (up to 5 times).
- FreestylingDamage Amp
Gain 4.5% Damage Amp for each activated non-unique trait you have.
- Giant-SizedTank
Gain 1000 Health and grow greatly in size.
- HeadhunterAttack Speed
This champion gains 15% Attack Speed. Every 1 kills, they permanently gain 1% more (doubled in Hyper Roll).
- Heavy HitterTank
Attacks deal bonus physical damage equal to 20% of this champion's max Health. (Cooldown: 2.5 seconds)
- HivemindPower
Gain a copy of the first champion this champion kills each player combat. Gain 25% Damage Amp.
- Hunger For PowerUtility
Combat start: Consume the nearest ally Champion and gain 60% of their Health and Attack Damage.
- HypervelocityAttack Speed
Gain 10% Attack Speed. On cast, gain 15% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat.
- Into the UnknownPower
This champion disappears for 3 rounds. When they return, they gain 50 Ability Power and 50% Attack Damage.
- InvisibilityCritical Strike Chance
Every 6 seconds, turn invisible for 1 second. The next attack has 100% Critical Strike Chance.
- Kill StreakMana
Gain 20 Mana each kill.
- KnockoutAttack Damage
Gain 15% Attack Damage. The next attack after casting gains 35% Critical Strike Chance and deals 90% true damage.
- Laser EyesMagic Damage
Constantly deal 133% Ability Power magic damage per second in a 3-hex line and
Burn enemies for 3 seconds. - Last ChancePower
On first death, revive to full Health, gain 50% Attack Speed and 20% Omnivamp but lose 12.5% Health each second.
- Legacy Of ShurimaAttack Speed
After 10 seconds of combat, ascend, gaining 50% max Health and 60% Attack Speed
- Mage ArmorTank
Gain Armor and Magic Resist equal to 50% of Ability Power.
- Magic ExpertMagic Damage
This champion gains 40% more Ability Power from all sources.
- Magic TrainingMagic Damage
Gain 15 Ability Power. On cast, your team gains 2 Ability Power for every 20 Mana spent.
- Mini MeesAttack Damage
Gain 3 minis that deal 30% () Attack Damage every 2 attacks. Their attacks reduce Armor by 5.
- Nothing WastedMana
When an ally dies, gain 50% of their current Mana.
- One Thousand CutsPower
Attacks deal 30 bonus true damage, plus 12 true damage for each time the target was damaged by this effect.
- Power AbsorptionAttack Damage
Gain 30% Attack Damage. Each time an ally dies, gain 9% of their Attack Damage.
- Protective ShieldingTank
Combat Start and every 8 seconds: Grant 12% max Health Shield to self and 2 lowest health allies for 4 seconds.
- RepulsorUtility
Gain 40% Attack Speed. On cast, knock back their target if within 2 hexes of them.
- Scuttle FamiliarTank
On death, summon a crab with 100% of their maximum Health, Armor, and Magic Resist.
- Share Your EnergyUtility
Combat start: grant 15% of their Attack Damage, Ability Power, Health, Armor, and Magic Resist to adjacent allies.
- Slime TimeMagic Damage
Every 2 seconds, deal 160% () magic damage in a 1-hex radius and heal this champion for 100% of damage dealt.
- Slow CookerTank
Every second, deal magic damage in a 1-hex radius equal to 3% of their max Health. Radius increases every 6 seconds.
- StoneskinTank
Combat start: Gain 225 Armor and Magic Resist. Every second, reduce this bonus by 10.
- Strength TrainingAttack Damage
Gain 20% Attack Damage. Every 3 times they attack, your team gains 4% Attack Damage.
- The FinisherPower
This champion's attacks and Ability executes enemy champions at 15% health or lower.
- ThornskinTank
Gain 60 Armor and 60 Magic Resist. When damaged, deal 20% of the damage blocked to adjacent enemies as magic damage.
- Titanic StrikesAttack Damage
Attacks deal an additional 40% Attack Damage to the target and adjacent enemies.
- Touch of FrostUtility
Ability casts 20%
Chill (reduce Attack Speed) enemies for 4 seconds. WhenChilled enemies die, they stun the nearest enemy for 1 second. - Ultimate HeroUtility
After 4 rounds, star up a 3-star 1-cost champion to 4 stars!
- Unstoppable ForceTank
On takedown, charge the next target and Stun them for 1.5 seconds, then heal 10% max Health.
- Wolf FamiliarsAttack Damage
Summon 2 untargetable wolves with 65% of this champion's Attack Damage and 0.9 Attack Speed.