- Base Player Damage Per Stage: 0/0/1/2/5/10/15 ⇒ 0/0/2/3/5/8/15
- Increased the base odds of rolling a chosen slightly.
SYSTEMS - Chosen Roll Odds
- Level 4: 40/60/0/0/0 ⇒ 60/40/0/0/0
- Level 5: 20/50/30/0/0 ⇒ 40/55/5/0/0
- Level 6: 10/45/45/0/0 ⇒ 15/45/40/0/0
- Level 7: 0/30/40/30/0 ⇒ 0/40/55/5/0
- Level 8: 0/20/40/40/0 ⇒ 0/15/45/40/0
- Level 9: 0/0/30/40/30 ⇒ 0/0/15/45/40
SYSTEMS - Normal Roll Odds
- Level 5: 45/30/20/5/0 ⇒ 45/33/20/2/0
- Level 6: 30/35/25/10/0 ⇒ 35/35/25/5/0
- Level 7: 19/35/30/15/1 ⇒ 24/35/30/10/1
- Level 8: 14/25/35/20/6 ⇒ 15/25/35/20/5
SYSTEMS - Loot Distribution
- Lowered the variance in the initial loot drops from Stage 1, leading to a slight increase in total loot overall.
- Reduced the extreme variance in item distribution by one, which should lead to less extreme cases of similar item drops in a game.
- Grey Orbs average value increased very slightly, but lowered Neeko drop rates from them.
- Chosen Bonus Attack Damage: 30 ⇒ 20
- This affects Yasuo, Aphelios, Zed, Xin Zhao, Ashe, Jhin, Talon, and Warwick
- Cultist: A Chosen Cultist now only provides +1 star level to Galio instead of double the Chosen’s star level.
- A 2-star Cultist Chosen improves Galio: +4 ⇒ +3
- A 3-star Cultist Chosen improves Galio: +6 ⇒ +4
- Fortune: Fixed an issue with one of the 11 loss drops being undervalued.
- Fortune: Slightly lowered the drop rate of Neeko’s Help from the 6 Fortune loot table.
- Diana Pale Cascade Shield: 200/300/450/650 ⇒ 200/300/400/500
- Lissandra Pale Cascade Damage: 350/450/600/900 ⇒ 350/450/600/800
- Nami Starting/Total Mana: 40/80 ⇒ 60/100
- Yasuo Striking Steel Damage: 160/190/225% ⇒ 180/200/225%
- Aphelios Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 50
- Aphelios Starting Mana: 40 ⇒ 50
- Lulu Wild Growth Knockup Duration: 1.5 ⇒ 1 second
- Lulu Wild Growth Duration: 6 seconds ⇒ rest of combat
- Refreshing Wild Growth on an ally now properly heals them for the Bonus Health gain amount and triggers the knockup effect
- Jarvan IV Dragon Strike Stun Duration: 2 ⇒ 1 second
- Jarvan IV Starting/Total Mana: 60/120 ⇒ 50/80
- Pyke Phantom Undertow Damage: 150/250/450 ⇒ 125/200/375
- Zed Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8
- Akali Spell Damage: 150/225/350 ⇒ 175/250/400
- Jinx Chosen Bonus Stat: Spell Power ⇒ Mana
- Jinx Starting/Total Mana: 0/50 ⇒ 70/120
- Jinx Fishbones Stun: Jinx’s primary target ⇒ All targets in the 1 hex explosion
- Jinx Fishbones Stun Duration: 1.5/1.5/1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 seconds
- Jinx Fishbones Damage: 200/325/550 ⇒ 150/250/450
- Xin Zhao Starting/Total Mana: 40/80 ⇒ 30/60
- Cassiopeia Starting/Total Mana: 60/120 ⇒ 80/150
- Cassiopeia Petrifying GazeDamage Amp: 10% ⇒ 20%
- Jhin Attack Damage: 85 ⇒ 100
- Talon Truestrike no longer refunds Mana on kill
- Talon Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 40
- Fixed a bug where Truestrike’s bonus damage could not critically strike
- Talon Truestrike Bonus Damage: 125/200/600 ⇒ 85/135/400
- Talon is no longer invulnerable during his leap (he is still unstoppable and untargetable)
- Talon's Leap has been sped up slightly
- Warwick Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 85
- Warwick Attack Speed: 0.9 ⇒ 0.8
- Warwick’s howl on takedowns no longer fears nearby enemies. Instead, his howl grants himself and all allies who share a Trait with him 60/75/200% Attack Speed for 3 seconds
- Azir Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 75/150
- Lee Sin Primary Stun Duration: 1.5/2/10 ⇒ 2/3/10 seconds
- Lee Sin Secondary Stun Duration: 1.5 ⇒ 1 second
- Sett Starting Mana: 70 ⇒ 100
- Yone: Seal Fate no longer knocks up enemies
- Yone now becomes untargetable during his cast
- Yone Seal Fate Armor and MR Shred: 60% ⇒ 90%
- Yone Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 50
- Fixed a bug where Yone could become unresponsive after casting Seal Fate
- Fixed a bug where Yone's resistances reduced would not update correctly if the target’s Armor or Magic Resist changed while the shred was active.
- ZZ’Rot Portal Construct Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 100
- Addressed an issue where ghost armies with the Hunter Trait occasionally activated the Hunter attack instantly upon combat starting.
- The Hunter Trait will no longer fire its first attack one second early.
- Zilean now correctly de-prioritizes casting his spell on summoned units (ie: Azir’s soldiers)
- The following Attacks can now correctly Miss (Blind) and be Dodged: Talon’s Truestrike, Yasuo’s Striking Steel, Xin Zhao’s Crescent Guard, Wukong’s Crushing Blow, and Ashe’s Hunter’s Focus
- Fiora will no longer sometimes change targets after casting her spell
- Fixed various issues around attempting to purchase a Chosen with a full bench