SYSTEMS - Tome of Traits
- Lowered the chances of Tome of Traits dropping from a gold orb by about 40%
SYSTEMS - Radiant Blessing
- Removed: 2 Reforgers + 5 Gold from Radiant Blessing drops.
- Skirmisher Shield Max Health scaling: 20/40/100% ⇒ 20/50/100%
LARGE CHANGES - Champions: Tier 2
- REWORKED Tristana Rocket Jump: Tristana leaps away from enemies and gains Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
- Tristana Attack Range: 5 ⇒ 4
- Tristana Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 65
- Tristana starting Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 60/125
- Thresh max Mana nerf: 40/80 ⇒ 80/120
LARGE CHANGES - Champions: Tier 3
- Ashe Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 70
LARGE CHANGES - Champions: Tier 4
- NEW: Draven passively ignores 50% of his target’s Armor.
- Draven Attack Damage: 95 ⇒ 80
- Draven Spinning Axes base Damage: 150/225/900 ⇒ 125/200/700
- Draven Spinning Axes on-hit bonus Damage AD scaling: 170/180/400% ⇒ 140/150/400%
LARGE CHANGES - Champions: Tier 5
- Heimerdinger max Mana buff: 0/160 ⇒ 0/140
- Heimerdinger Turret Attack Damage: 125 ⇒ 100
- Spear of Hirana: NEW Radiant Bonus 20 Ability Power
- Zz’Rot Portal Taunt Hex Range: 2 ⇒ 4
- Zz’Rot Portal is now able to taunt Assassins if placed well
- Zz'Rot's Invitation Taunt Hex Range: 2 ⇒ 4
- Zz'Rot's Invitation Voidmother is now able to taunt Assassins if placed well
- Abomination Monstrosity base Health: 900/1400/1900 ⇒ 900/1500/2000
- Abomination Monstrosity Health Per Star Level: 90/140/190 ⇒ 90/150/200
- Cannoneer cannon shot AD scaling: 225/450/1200% ⇒ 225/475/1200%
SMALL CHANGES - Champions: Tier 1
- Kled Dismount Attack Speed: 70/80/100% ⇒ 70/80/110%
- Leona Solar Barrier Damage Reduction: 30/50/200 ⇒ 30/40/120
- Udyr Feral Instinct Shield: 250/350/550 ⇒ 250/350/600
SMALL CHANGES - Champions: Tier 2
- Sett Haymaker Armor Shred: 20/25/30 ⇒ 20/25/40
- Soraka Equinox Damage: 150/250/400 ⇒ 175/275/425
SMALL CHANGES - Champions: Tier 3
- Miss Fortune starting Mana buff: 0/70 ⇒ 20/70
- Nidalee Aspect of the Cougar bonus Attack Speed: 30/50/70% ⇒ 30/50/75%
- Riven Blade of the Dawn Bonus Attack Damage: 90/100/110% ⇒ 90/100/115%
SMALL CHANGES - Champions: Tier 4
- Karma Health: 700 ⇒ 750
- Karma Soulflare Damage: 230/290/850 ⇒ 230/300/850
SMALL CHANGES - Champions: Tier 5
- Garen’s Victorious empowered missing Health Damage after scoring a kill: 50% ⇒ 60%
MOBILE - Updated Tutorial
- Uses a smaller roster of champions from TFT’s first set
- Uses limited items
- Uses the new traits, Exemplar, which is like Nobles, but summons an extra large Demacian from the sky at its final tier
- Has adjusted several traits and champions from TFT’s first set
- It’ll bring you back to your glory days when you got first every game
MOBILE - Tap Particle
- NEW Tap Particle: When you tap on the board little poofs of TFT magic will appear at your fingertips.
- In Range: Improved the tooltip clarity for Ranger