- Stage123456Round1234
Bard levels each player up to level 3!
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Zoe changes reality so only odd levels exist this game.
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Ashe reveals your upcoming opponent for the rest of the game.
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At 5-4 the game ends. Your position then is your final placement.
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Tristana grants a gift of gold!
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Illaoi moves the 3-2 Augment to a random round.
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Teemo lets you reroll all your Augments an extra time this game!
- Stage123456Round1234
Yorick lets you always field at least 7 champions, regardless of level. Gain 10 gold.
Stage123456Round1234567Yorick reduces the cost to reroll your Shop by 1.
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Azir moves the 3-2 and 4-2 Augments to random rounds.
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Kog'Maw moves the 2-1 Augment to a random round.
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Lillia moves all the Augments to random rounds!
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Syndra moves the 2-1 and 4-2 Augments to random rounds.
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Thresh moves the 2-1 and 3-2 Augments to random rounds.
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Kobuko invites you to dance with him! The more players join in, the better the reward.
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Stand in puddles to catch fish for Tahm Kench. The more fish he eats, the more loot everyone gets!
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Wukong activates Chosen: 2-star units that count twice for a trait. Sell your Chosen to buy a new one.
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Hwei causes your first shop slot to be tailored for the rest of the game.
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Enemy champions have a 30% chance of dropping loot when killed.