Gain 2 Arcanist Emblems.
Gain 2 Assassin Emblems.
Gain 2 Thief's Gloves.
Gain 2 Bodyguard Emblems.
Gain 2 Bruiser Emblems.
Your units with no Traits active gain 500 Health and 70% Attack Speed.
Your units heal for 25% of the damage dealt by attacks and Abilities. Excess healing is converted to a shield up to 600 Health.
Gain 2 Challenger Emblems.
Chemtechs explode on death, dealing 40% of their max Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.
Gain 2 Chemtech Emblems.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Clockworks. Gain 8 gold.
Your champions holding an item gain 350 Health and 30 Attack Damage.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Enchanters. Gain 8 gold.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Enforcers. Gain 8 gold.
Your units that start combat with no adajacent allies gain a 70% maximum Health shield for 8 seconds.
Your 1 and 2 cost units gain 55% Attack Speed and movement speed.
Each time your Shop is refreshed, you have a 40% chance to gain a free refresh.
Champions appear in your Shop as if you were 1 level higher.
Gain 3 Loaded Dice and 8 gold.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Innovators.
Gain 2 random completed item(s) and a Reforger.
Your units that start combat in the first 2 rows gain 50 Attack Damage.
When you buy experience points, gain an additional 3. You can now reach level 10.
Your units with no items gain 75 Armor and Magic Resist.
Gain 5 bonus experience points per round. You can no longer use gold to level up.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Mercenaries.
Gain 2 Mutant Emblems.
Gain +1 maximum team size.
Arcanists start combat with a shield equal to 600% of their Ability Power for 8 seconds.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Scholars. Gain 8 gold.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Scraps. Gain 8 gold.
Gain 2 Sniper Emblems.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Socialites.
Your units gain 5 Attack Damage and Ability Power per Trait active across your army.
Gain 2 Syndicate Emblems.
Your team counts as having 2 additional Twinshots. Gain 8 gold.
Gain gold based on the number of augments you have now. 0 = 18g, 1 = 30g, 2 = 45g
Gain 4 gold.Gain 2 experience points when you refresh your Shop.
At the start of combat, your highest Health Champion creates a 1600 Health copy of themself (excluding items).