Gain an Arcanist Emblem and a Swain.
Colossus become invulnerable for 2 seconds when their Health drops to 60% and 30%.
Gain an Assassin Emblem and a Talon.
Your champions equipped with 2 items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat.
Gain a Bodyguard Emblem and a Darius.
5 seconds into combat, all enemies and non-Clockwork units are frozen in time for 4 seconds.
Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Trundle.
Your units with no Traits active gain 400 Health and 60% Attack Speed.
Your units heal for 20% of the damage dealt by attacks and Abilities. Excess healing is converted to a shield up to 450 Health.
Gain a Challenger Emblem and a Quinn.
Chemtechs explode on death, dealing 30% of their max Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.
Gain a Chemtech Emblem and a Warwick.
If you have no champions on your bench at the end of a round, gain 3 experience points.
Gain a Clockwork Emblem and a Zilean.
Your champions holding an item gain 250 Health and 20 Attack Damage.
Your units that start combat with no adajacent allies gain a 45% maximum Health shield for 8 seconds.
Your 1 and 2 cost champions gain 35% Attack Speed and movement speed.
Mercenaries deal 1% more damage per 1 gold you have. (Maximum +60%)
Chemtechs now additionally trigger their bonuses at the start of combat.
Gain a random component every 3 combat rounds with the Scrap Trait active.
Your units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 35 Attack Damage.
Your units with no items gain 55 Armor and Magic Resist.
Gain a Mercenary Emblem and 3 gold.
Your Tactician moves faster and heals 2 Health at the end of each PVP round.
Gain a Mutant Emblem and a Kassadin.
Open an Armory and choose 1 of 3 unique Artifacts crafted by Ornn.
Gain 10 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 7.
Arcanists start combat with a shield equal to 450% of their Ability Power for 8 seconds.
Gain a random completed item. Selling champions breaks apart their full items into components (excluding Tactician's Crown).
Gain a Scholar Emblem and a Heimerdinger.
Gain a Scrap Emblem and a Blitzcrank.
Allies adjacent to a spotlight at the start of combat gain 100% of its bonuses.
Twinshot's ranged attacks and Abilities can bounce once, dealing 45% less damage.
The first time Assassins drops to 60% health, they briefly enter stealth, becoming untargetable and shedding all negative effects. Any excess damage is reduced by 80%.
Gain a Sniper Emblem and a Tristana.
After casting their Ability, Arcanists' next attack deals bonus magic damage equal to 225% of their Ability Power. Spell Blade's damage is considered Ability damage.
Your units gain 3 Attack Damage and Ability Power per Trait active across your army.
At the start of combat, burn all enemies for 20% of their maximum Health over 10 seconds and reduce healing received by 50%.
Gain a Syndicate Emblem and a Zyra.
Your units heal 700 Health on kill.
Your units with more than 1400 maximum Health gain Attack Damage equal to 3% of their maximum Health.
Gain a free Shop refresh each round.