You cannot perform actions for the next 3 rounds. Afterwards, gain 20 gold.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Assassin. Gain a Kayn.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Astral. Gain a Nami.
Your units gain 25 Mana on kill.
Gain 1 Thief's Gloves.
Your units that start combat only adjacent to each other gain 10% Attack Speed and 15 Armor.
Your units that start combat next to a unit with over 2000 Health take 10% less damage for the rest of combat.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Bruiser. Gain a Shen.
Your units with no Traits active gain 250-400 Health and 40-70% Attack Speed. (based on current Stage)
Your team counts as having 1 additional Cannoneer. Gain a Tristana.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Cavalier. Gain a Lillia.
Your units heal for 12% of the damage dealt by attacks and Abilities. Excess healing is converted to a shield up to 300 Health.
Your champions holding an item gain 100 Health and 8 Attack Damage.
Your champions holding an item gain 100 Health and 20 Armor.
Your champions holding an item gain 100 Health and restore 2 Mana per second.
If you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain 22 Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
When your units receive critical strikes, they deal 50-110 (based on current Stage) magic damage to nearby enemies. (1 second cooldown).
Your team counts as having 1 additional Evoker. Gain a Lulu.
Your units that start combat with no adajacent allies gain a 25% maximum Health shield for 10 seconds.
Your 1 and 2 cost champions gain 25% Attack Speed and Move Speed.
All healing and shielding on your units is increased by 25%.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Guardian. Gain a Thresh.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Guild. Gain a Twitch.
Gain 1 random completed item.
Gain a Jade Emblem and a Ashe.
Gain 45 gold when you reach Level 9.
When your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 40-130 (based on current Stage) magic damage.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Mage. Gain a Nami.
Your units with no items gain 30 Armor and Magic Resist.
Your units without items equipped restore 4 Mana per second.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Mirage. Gain a Yone.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Mystic. Gain a Nami.
Gain a random component. At the start of each round, items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown, Spatula, and consumables).
Units on your bench gain 6 Attack Damage and Ability Damage every round, up to 24.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Ragewing. Gain a Shen.
Champions on your board permanently transform into random champions that cost 1 more. Gain 2 Magnetic Removers.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Revel. Gain a Jinx.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Scalescorn. Gain a Braum.
After 10 seconds of combat, your units heal 40% of their missing Health.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Shapeshifter. Gain a Gnar.
Gain a Shimmerscale Emblem and a Kayn.
Bruisers regenerate 2.5% of their maximum Health each second. Gain a Sejuani.
Your units gain 1 Attack Damage and Ability Power per Trait active across your army.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Swiftshot. Gain a Twitch.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Tempest. Gain a Qiyana.
Your units heal 400 Health on kill.
Your Tactician heals 30 Health, grows larger, and has 130 maximum Health.
Your Tier 3 champions gain 133 Health, 13 starting Mana, and 13% Attack Speed.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Warrior. Gain a Yone.
Your units' attacks ignore 20% of the target's Armor and reduce healing received by 50% for 3 seconds.
Your team counts as having 1 additional Whispers. Gain a Thresh.