SET 4 Champions
Diana shields herself against damage over 4 seconds and summons some orbs to orbit around her. These orbs explode for magic damage when they contact an enemy, refreshing her shield when the final one explodes.
At the start of combat, a number of Moonlight Champions star up once until combat ends. (Prioritizes the lowest star-level champions. If tied, champions with the most items are chosen.)
- 3
1 Champion
- 5
2 Champions
Innate: At the start of combat, Assassins leap to the enemy backline. Assassins gain bonus Critical Strike Damage and Chance, and their spells can critically strike.
- 2
+30% Critical Strike Damage & +10% Critical Strike Chance
- 4
+60% Critical Strike Damage & +25% Critical Strike Chance
- 6
+90% Critical Strike Damage & +40% Critical Strike Chance