SET 6 Champions
Akali dashes in a line through the most enemies, dealing magic damage and marking them for 7 seconds. When a marked target drops below Health threshold, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through.
Certain allies are cloaked in shadows, gaining 55 Armor, 55 Magic Resist and 20% Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of all damage dealt.)
- 3
The Syndicate champion with the lowest percent Health
- 5
All Syndicate champions
- 7
Your whole team, and the effects are increased by 60%
Innate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline.
Assassins' Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.
- 2
+10% Crit Chance and +20% Crit Damage
- 4
+30% Crit Chance and +40% Crit Damage
- 6
+50% Crit Chance and +60% Crit Damage