SET 10 Champions

Gain a Shield and deal magic damage to adjacent enemies over 3 seconds. Afterwards, deal magic damage to nearby enemies.
When Face-Melter kills and enemy, gain 4% Ability Power and Attack Damage, and 4 Armor and Magic Resist.
Headliner Effect: +100 Health, +5 AP, When this ability kills, permanently gain 1% Ability Power.
Pentakill champions reduce incoming damage by 15% and deal bonus damage. For each champion kill, a Pentakill champion rocks out and increases their damage bonus by 25%.
On the 5th kills, all Pentakill champions rock out and your team gains 50% Attack Speed.
- 3
15% bonus damage
- 5
30% bonus damage
- 7
45% bonus damage
- 10
50% damage reduction and 99% bonus damage
Your team gains Armor and Magic Resist. Sentinels gain double.
- 2
+16 Armor, +16 Magic Resist
- 4
+35 Armor, +35 Magic Resist
- 6
+55 Armor, +55 Magic Resist
- 8
+100 Armor, +100 Magic Resist