SET 10 Champions

Summon headbanging ghouls around that pile toward the center of the board. Each deals physical damage over three attacks. Ghouls' damage 20% Sunders for 3 seconds.
Every other cast also summons a BIG ghoul.
Sunder: Reduce Armor
Headliner Effect: +50 Health, Summons 2 extra Zombies. The BIG zombie is BIGGER and deals 10% extra damage.
Pentakill champions reduce incoming damage by 15% and deal bonus damage. For each champion kill, a Pentakill champion rocks out and increases their damage bonus by 25%.
On the 5th kills, all Pentakill champions rock out and your team gains 50% Attack Speed.
- 3
15% bonus damage
- 5
30% bonus damage
- 7
45% bonus damage
- 10
50% damage reduction and 99% bonus damage
Once per combat at 50% Health, Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally for a percent of their max Health.
- 2
- 4
- 6
Moshers gain Attack Speed and Omnivamp, which increases up to 100% based on their missing Health.
Omnivamp: Heal for percentage of damage dealt
- 2
20% Attack Speed, 10% Omnivamp
- 4
40% Attack Speed, 15% Omnivamp
- 6
70% Attack Speed, 20% Omnivamp
- 8
125% Attack Speed, 30% Omnivamp