SET 6.5 Champions

Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and 50% to adjacent enemies.
At the start of combat, components held by Scrap champions turn into full items for the rest of combat. Also, your team gains a shield for each component equipped by your team, including those that are part of a full item.
- 2
1 component, 20 shield
- 4
3 components, 30 shield
- 6
All components, 50 shield
- 3
After each player combat, a random Yordle is added to your bench for free.
- 6
And Yordle's Abilities cost 40% less to cast.
Arcanists increase the Ability Power of your team.
- 2
Your team gains 20 Ability Power
- 4
Your team gains 20 Ability Power, Arcanists gain an additional 30
- 6
Your team gains 50 Ability Power, Arcanists gain an additional 50
- 8
Your team gains 150 Ability Power.